New Safety Standard

May 1, 2024: AN IMPORTANT REMINDER – The effective date for the new window covering safety standard is on June 1, 2024!

The new ANSI/WCMA A100.1-2022 Standard for Window Covering Products will take effect on June 1, 2024.

The window covering industry, through WCMA, facilitates the development of the Standard through the voluntary consensus process established by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

Once the standard is approved by ANSI, compliance with the standard is mandatory as of the effective date.  All companies that manufacture, import, fabricate, distribute or sell stock or custom window covering products in the United States must comply with this new standard starting on June 1, 2024. The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) is the agency that will enforce compliance with the Standard, as it does with many other consumer product standards.

If you are interested in obtaining a digital copy of the new standard, or if you have questions, please email your request to Danielle Myers at d[email protected].

Historic Safety Standard to Eliminate Majority of Corded Window Coverings from U.S. Market Takes Effect

A vast majority of window covering products sold in the United States will be cordless or have inaccessible or short cords, as a result of a new safety standard that went into effect on December 15, 2018.  This new requirement applies to stock products, sold in stores and online, which accounts for more than 80 percent of all window covering products sold in the U.S.

FAQ on the New Safety Standard

Read the FAQ