Tips for Childproofing an Older Home

While many homeowners love the unique charm and beauty that can only be found in an older home, the truth is that older houses present challenges to keeping everyone safe, especially little ones. For any house where children are being raised, or where they may spend a lot of time, it’s a good idea to […]

Childproofing Room by Room

Bringing a child into your home means lots of changes as you adjust your lifestyle to accommodate them. While for many parents, new or seasoned, traditional safety measures like baby gates, car seats and cabinet locks come to mind easily, there’s a common safety hazard, sometimes in every room of the house, that many families […]

Start the New Year on a Safe Slate

The New Year is all about starting things off fresh – and that should include childproofing your home. You may feel like you have everything taken care of but, it’s easy for hazards to change and evolve as time passes without you even registering. Start 2020 off by reading up on the latest safety measures […]